1 minutes readERROR: OPatch failed because of Inventory problem

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Opatch Error:

ERROR: OPatch failed because of Inventory problem

Action Plan:

1. Verify ora inventory_loc within oraInst.loc

2. Take a backup of your inventory location.

3. Make sure you are on OUI 2.2 or later.

If your iAS ORACLE_HOME is missing from the inventory.xml file:

4. Sync your apps environment file.

5. Change to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup and execute perl OUIsetup.pl

If your RDBMS ORACLE_HOME is missing from the inventory.xml file:

4. Sync your database environment file.

5. Change to $ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup and execute perl OUIsetup.pl

Example. Excuting on the database tier:

$cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup
$perl OUIsetup.pl

OPatch lsinventory should now work fine.

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