1 minutes readHow to find Operating Systems and Utilities version

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Sun Solaris Version
To check the version of you Solaris you can use the following file.
$ cat /etc/release

RedHat Linux Version
You can check the version and release of Linux from the following file

view /etc/redhat-release

Perl Version
You can use the perl -v or the perl – version command to find out the version of perl on your environment.
$ perl -version

Java Version
To fine the version of Java used
$ java -version

Version of Installed packages on Solaris
To find the version of the packages on Solaris
$ pkginfo -igrep perl

Version of Installed packages on Linux
To find the version of the packages on linux
rpm -qagrep

Kernel Version of Unix
You can find the version of your kernel on UNIX by the following command
uname -a

Bit of Operating System
You can check the bit size of your OS by using the following command
$ isainfo -b

Bit of your Oracle Software
To check if your Oracle Binary is 32 bit or 64 bit you can use the file command on any of the oracle executables like
$ file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle

Finding Oracle data block size

Finding O/S block size
df -g grep “block size” (in Solrieas)

Check my Operating System 64-bit?

For Solaris -> /usr/bin/isainfo –kv

For Linux -> uname -m

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