Move ASM spfile to Different Disk Group
Step 1 Create pfile from the current spfile
$ sqlplus / as sysasm
SQL> show parameter spfile
SQL> create pfile=’/export/home/oracle/initINDIAN.ora’ from spfile;
File created.
Step 2 create spfile in new desk group from pfile
SQL> create spfile=’+DB_DATA01′ from pfile=’/export/home/oracle/initINDIAN.ora’;
Step 3 Shutdown Database
Step 4 Shutdown ASM instance.
Step 5 Start ASM Instance
Step 6 check newly created spfile in ASM Storage by using asmcmd command.
Step 7 open initINDIAN.ora file and update entry:
Step 8 Startup the database and Verify that the new spfile is being used
SQL> show parameter spfile