Clone/Duplicate Database from ASM to Non-ASM
Source Setup Details:
Host Name: SUN1
Oracle Home: /export/home/oracle/oracle/product/db_1
PORT: 1521
Disk Group: DB_DATA01
Target Setup Details:
Host Name: SUN2
Oracle Home: /export/home/oracle/oracle/product/db_1
PORT: 1521
Step 1 Perform the backup of the ASM primary database (Datafiles, Control file for standby & Archive logs)
$ rman target /
RMAN>backup database format ‘/export/home/oracle/rman/database_%U.bkp’;
Step 2 Make the backup pieces available on the Standby server
• FTP or SCP the backup pieces to standby server. While doing FTP make sure to do it in binary mode only. OR
• NFS mount then mount the NFS on standby server with the same name as you mounted on primary database. OR
• If the backups are on tape then make sure that you make proper changes on standby server so that you can restore the backups on standby server.
Note: RMAN backup set mount point must be same.
Step 3 Create the password file for standby database with the same password as primary
$ export ORACLE_SID=CLONE Step 4 Configure Oracle net services on both the servers In standby server In Primary server Step 5 Copy primary database initINDIAN.ora to auxiliary instance and rename to initCLONE.ora Step 6 Modify initCLONE.ora file • Control_files=’/DB/INDIAN/DATABASE/CONTROL.ct
Example: DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT= (‘+DB_DATA01′,’/DB/INDIAN/DATABASE/’) • For a duplicate database that is not a standby database, change the value of the DB_NAME initialization parameter. Step 7 Startup Clone Instance with Nomount option Export ORACLE_SID=CLONE Step 5 invoke RMAN Step 6 Execute bellow mention command on RMAN prompt. RMAN> duplicate target database to “CLONE”;
$orapwd file=orapwCLONE password=
– configure listener.
– configure tnsnames for standby.
– check connectivity using tnsping.
• Set db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert to convert the diskgroup.
Sqlplus /nolog
Conn / as sysdba
Startup nomount
$ rman target sys/anup123@indian auxiliary /
Hi…Nice Blog