Database Cloning to Different Host through RMAN
Host: SUN1
Primary Database SID: PROD
Data file mount Point: /DB/PROD
Assuming Target Database:
Host: SUN2
Primary Database SID: CLONE
Data file mount Point: /DB/CLONE
Steps 1 Create init file for Clone instance
Set init parameter in init file.
DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT <—-if using different mount point for database——->
LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT <—-if using different mount point for database——>
Step 2 create Mount point for RMAN Backup set and Restore RMAN backup on Target Server
Note: RMAN backup set mount point must be same.
Step 3 Startup Clone Instance with Nomount option
Sqlplus /nolog
Conn / as sysdba
Startup nomount
Step 4 invoke RMAN
$ rman target sys/anup123@prod auxiliary /
Step 5 Execute bellow mention command on Rmount MAN prompt.
If database using same mount point:
RMAN> duplicate target database to “CLONE” nofilenamecheck;
If database using different mount point:
RMAN> duplicate target database to “CLONE” nofilenamecheck;