How to create Custom Top in R12
Step 1. Create directory structure
$ mkdir xxfc
$ cd xxfc
$ mkdir 12.0.0
$ cd 12.0.0
$ mkdir admin
$ mkdir bin
$ mkdir froms
$ mkdir patch
$ mkdir reports
$ cd admin
$ mkdir sql
$ cd forms
$ mkdir US (for custom forms)
$ cd patch
$ mkdir 115
$ cd 115
$ mkdir import (for ldt files)
$ cd ..
$ cd reports
$ mkdir US (for your custom reports)
Step 2: Add the custom module into
the environment
vi customPROD_indiandba.env
export XXFC_TOP
Make entry in context file
cd $INST_TOP/admin/install
Open new session, source environment
file, and stop middle tier services, run autoconfig
Open new session, source environment
file, check for custom top in topfile.txt in $APPL_TOP/admin, start the middle
tier services.
Step 3: Create Tablespace
create tablespace XXFC datafile ‘xxfc01.dbf’ size 500M
Step 4: Create USER
create user xxfc identified by xxfc
default tablespace xxfc
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on xxfc
grant connect, resource to xxfc;
Step 5: Register your Custom Application
Login to Applications with System Administrator responsibility
Navigate to Application–>Register
Application = XXFC Custom Application
Short Name = XXFC
Basepath = XXFC_TOP
Description = XXFC Custom Application
Step 6: Register Oracle User
Navigate to Security–>Oracle–>Register
Database User Name = XXFC
Password = XXFC
Privilege = Enabled
Install Group = 0
Description = XXFC Custom Application User
Step 7: Add Application to a Data Group
Navigate to Security–>Oracle–>DataGroup
Data Group = XXFCGroup
Description = XXFC Custom Data Group
Application = XXFC Custom
Oracle ID = APPS
Description = XXFC Custom Application
Step 8: Create custom request group
This will act as a placeholder for any custom reports we wish to make available
for the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage)
Navigate to Security–>responsibility–>Request
Group = XXFC Request Group
Application = XXFC Custom
Code = XXFC
Description = XXFC Custom Requests
We will not define any requests to add to the group at this stage, but you can
add some now if required.
Step 9: Create custom menu
This will act as a placeholder for any menu items we wish to make available for
the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage). We will create
two menus, one for Core Applications and one for Self Service.
Navigate to Application–>Menu
User Menu Name = XXFC Custom Application
Menu Type =
Description = XXFC Custom Application Menu
Seq = 100
Prompt = View Requests
Submenu =
Function = View All Concurrent Requests
Description = View Requests
Seq = 110
Prompt = Run Requests
Submenu =
Function = Requests: Submit
Description = Submit Requests
User Menu Name = XXFC Custom Application SSWA
Menu Type =
Description = XXFC Custom Application Menu for SSWA
Step 10: Create new responsibility. One for Core Applications and One for Self
Service (SSWA)
Navigate to Security–>Responsibility–>Define
Responsibility Name = XXFC Custom
Application = XXFC Custom
Responsibility Key = XXFCCUSTOM
Description = XXFC Custom Responsibility
Available From = Oracle Applications
Data Group Name = XXFCGroup
Data Group Application = XXFC Custom
Menu = XXFC Custom Application
Request Group Name = XXFC Request Group
Responsibility Name = XXFC Custom SSWA
Application = XXFC Custom
Responsibility Key = XXFCCUSTOMSSWA
Description = XXFC Custom Responsibility SSWA
Available From = Oracle Self Service Web Applications
Data Group Name = XXFCGroup
Data Group Application = XXFC Custom
Menu = XXFC Custom Application SSWA
Request Group Name = XXFC Request Group
Step 11: Add responsibility to user
Navigate to Security–>User–>Define
Add XXFC Custom responsibility to users as required.
Step 12: Other considerations
You are now ready to create your database Objects, custom Reports, Forms,
Packages, etc
Create the source code files in the XXFC_TOP directory appropriate for the type
of object. For example forms would be located in $XXFC_TOP/forms/US or
package source code in $XXFC_TOP/admin/sql for example.
Database Objects, such as tables, indexes and sequences should be created in
the XXRLT schema, and then you need to
custom data object to the APPS schema.
For example: logged in as XXFC user
grant all privileges on myTable to apps;
b) Create a synonym in APPS for each
custom data object
For example : logged in as APPS user
create synonym myTable for XXFC.myTable;
Step 13: Login to sysadmin, Application Developer Responsibility
Application > Form ( Register the form )
Application > Funtion ( Add the form to a function )
Application > Menu ( Attach the function to a menu )
Menu that is added to a particular responsbility is given to specific user
Security > User > Define