How to Create Disk Partation / Slices and Label a Disk?
How to Create Disk Partation / Slices and Label a Disk?
After adding and formating disk we should create Disk Partation/Slice and Label the Disk.
Step 1 Invoke the format utility. A numbered list of disks is displayed.
Step 2 Type the number of the disk that you want to repartition.where disk-number is the number of the disk that you want to repartition.
Step 3 Select the partition menu.
format> partition
Step 4 Display the current partition (slice) table.
partition> print
Step 5 Start the modification process.
partition> modify
Step 6 Set the disk to all free hog.
Choose base (enter number) [0]? 1
Step 7 Create a new partition table by answering yes when prompted to continue.
Do you wish to continue creating a new partition table based on above table[yes]? yes
Step 8. Make the displayed partition table the current partition table by answering yes when prompted.
Okay to make this the current partition table[yes]? yes
If you don’t want the current partition table and you want to change it, answer no.
Step 9. Name the partition table.
Enter table name (remember quotes): “partition-name”where partition-name is the name for the new partition table.
Step 10. Label the disk with the new partition table after you have finished allocating slices on the new disk.
Ready to label disk, continue? Yes
Step 11. Quit the partition menu.
Step 12 Verify the new disk label.
Step 13. Exit the format utility.
Step 14 After Labelind you can create file systems on the disk