1 minutes readHow to Format Disk?

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You have learned about adding disk in my previous update. What do you think, only after adding the disk, you are able to store data on disk?. NO…….NO….Never……you can not store data on disk.

if you want to store data on disk. You must complete the following task: Format the Disk, create disk partition, create slice, create file system and mount the file system.

I will discuss all topics separately on my blog.

Here we will discuss only about How to Format the Disk?

Step 1 Invoke the format utility. This will display a numbered of list of disks.

Step 2 Type the number of the disk (Newelly Added Disk) on which to create a Solaris fdisk partition।

Step 3 Select the fdisk menu।format> fdisk

Step 4 The fdisk menu that is displayed depends upon whether the disk has existing fdisk partitions… Type Yes for making 100% Solaris disk partation।

Step 5 Label the disk
format> label
Ready to लेबल डिस्क, continue? एस
format> Quit

Step 6 After creating பிடிச்க் partition, Next we will create slices on the disk(I will discuss How to create Disk slice and label in next session…please wait coming soon……..)

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