1 - 2 minutes readSharing Windows File/Folder with Linux

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Prerequisite Step for Windows Machine

  • Check and Note Down the windows Workgroup name.
  • Share Folder on Windows Machine on the network

(Right click on Folder (which you wish to share) and click on Properties, Click on Sharing tab and select Share this folder on the network)

Prerequisite Step for Linux Machine

  • Check samba server configuration tools install or not. If not installed first installed “Samba Server Configuration Tool”After samba installation, modify samba server configuration

Open /etc/samba/smb.conf and make following changes

1. workgroup = [put windows workgroup]

workgroup = WORKGROUP

2. server string = Samba Server [Linux Machine Host NameHo]

server string = Samba Server PROD Server

3. Uncomment entry “host allow” and put windows machine IP address as a host allow value

hosts allow = [windows IP address]

4. Uncomment bellow two lines by removing; (semicolon)

encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

5. Uncomment the following lines by removing semicolon

comment = My Share
path = /valid users = public = no
writable = no
printable = no
create mask = 0765

6. Now restart the samba server

/etc/init.d/service smb stop
/etc/init.d/service smb start

7. Create directory on Linux to view windows shared folder

mkdir -p /stage/WinServer

8. Mount Windows share folder on linux

mount -t smbfs -o username=, password=/ /stage/WinServer

9. after mounting , Now we are able to access windows share on linux using

cd /stageWinServer


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