4 - 6 minutes readImplement Oracle RAC on Solaris 10

Reader Mode

Hardware Requirements for Oracle Real Application Clusters

Each node in a cluster requires the:

  • External shared disks (All node connected with External Shared Storage) for storing OCR, Voting Disk file and Database files.
  • One Network Ethernet Card for private connection. We assign IP address for each node to serve as the private Interconnect.


  • Must be separate from the public network
  • Must be accessible on the same network interface on each node
  • Must have a unique address on each node
  • One Network Ethernet Card for public connection. We assign IP address for each node, to be used as the Virtual IP address for client Connections and for connection fail over

Storage Option for Oracle Real Application Clusters


We can use a file system (NFS) or raw device (partition) for Oracle Clusterware File. We can use ASM or raw device for database or recovery file storage but can not use raw devices for recovery.


  • Oracle recommends that you choose Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as the storage option for database and recovery files.
  • You cannot use ASM to store Oracle Clusterware files, because these files must be accessible before any ASM instance starts.
  • If you intend to use ASM with RAC, and you are configuring a new ASM instance, then your system must meet the following conditions:

All nodes on the cluster have the release 2 (10.2) version of Oracle Clusterware installed.

Any existing ASM instance on any node in the cluster is shut down.

  • If you do not have a storage option that provides external file redundancy, then you must configure at least three voting disk areas to provide voting disk redundancy.

Steps for Implementing Oracle RAC on Solaris 10

In this blog section (10gRAC), we will learn how to install and configure two nodes on running Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on Solaris 10.

Note: This step is intended for educational purposes only.

Here we are summaries the following task for implementing 10g RAC on Solaris 10

Section 1

Step 1: Setup Hardware and storage for all RAC nodes.

Step 2: Install Sun Solaris 10 on all nodes include assign Private and public IP.

Step 3: Check Hardware Requirement

  • RAM should be at least 1GB

How to Check? Use following command: $ /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size"

  • Swap Size: If RAM more then 2GB Swap should be equal of RAM and If RAM between 1 to 2 GB Swap should be 1.5 times of RAM

How to Check? Use following command: # /usr/sbin/swap –s

  • 400 MB of disk space in the /tmp directory

How to check? Use following command: # df -k /tmp

  • Check system architecture

How to Check? Use following command: # /bin/isainfo –kv

Result should be:

64-bit SPARC installation:

64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules

32-bit x86 installation:

32-bit i386 kernel modules

64-bit x86 installation:

64-bit amd64 kernel modules

Step 4: Check Required Packages

How to check? Use following command: # pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot SUNWsprox SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt

If a package that is required for your system architecture is not installed, then install it.

Step 5: Check Patches

Refer to your operating system or software documentation for information about installing packages

Step 6: Check Kernels parameter (We Will discuss Separately)

Step 7: Configuring the Network Requirements

Follow these steps on each node:

  • If necessary, install the network adapters for the public and private networks and configure them with either public or private IP addresses.
  • Register the host names and IP addresses for the public network interfaces in DNS.
  • For each node, register one virtual host name and IP address in DNS.
  • For each private interface on every node, add a line similar to the following to the /etc/hosts file on all nodes, specifying the private IP address and associated private host name:
  • To identify the interface name and associated IP address for every network adapter, enter the following command:

# /sbin/ifconfig -a

From the output, identify the interface name and IP address for all network adapters that you want to specify as public or private network interfaces.

Section 2

Step 1 Create Oracle Users and Group (in all Node)

Log in as a root and execute:

# groupadd oinstall

# groupadd dba

# mkdir -p /oracle

# useradd -d /oracle -g oinstall -G dba oracle

# chown oracle:dba /oracle

# passwd oracle

New Password:

Re-enter new Password:

passwd: password successfully changed for oracle

Step 2 Create the oracle user environment file.


export PS1="`/bin/hostname -s`-> "

export EDITOR=vi

export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle

export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db

export ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/crs


export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin:/bin:


umask 022

Step 3 Create the filesystem directory structure. As the oracle user, execute

#mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin

#mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME

#mkdir -p $ORA_CRS_HOME

Section 3

    Before Clusterware installation, we should check setup by using cluster verification utility.

    • Checking the Network Setup with CVU

        # ./runcluvfy.sh comp nodecon -n node1,node2 -verbose

      • Checking the Hardware and Operating System Setup with CVU

        # ./runcluvfy.sh stage –post hwos –n node1,node2

        • Checking the Operating System Requirements Setup with CVU

            # ./runcluvfy.sh comp sys -n node1,node2 -p crs –osdba crs -orainv oinstall

            • Determine if Installation Prerequisites are Complete

                # ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2,node3

                • Checking for Available Shared Storage with CVU

                # ./runcluvfy.sh comp ssa -n node1,node2 –s /dev/c0t0d0s2,/dev/c0t0d0s3

                Section 4

                Now Start the Oracle Cluster Ware Installation.

                Step 1 Start run installer.

                # ./runInstaller

                If it show any error regarding SSH . Please use bellow command.

                # ./runInstaller –remoteshell /usr/bin/ssh


                Step 2 Specify Inventory directory and credentials

                Step 3 Specify CRS Home and Path Details


                Step 4 Installer Check pre-request.


                Step 5 Specify cluster configuration. Click on Add button and specify public node name, private node name and virtual node name details for all RAC nodes.


                Step 6 Specify network interface usage. At least one interface should be public.


                Step 7 Specify OCR locations


                Step 8 Specify Voting Disk locations


                Step 9 Click on Install button.


                Section 4 Configure VIP

                Step 1Please run the following Command in Secound node as root user.

                # $CRS_HOME/bin/vipca


                Step 2 Selet Network Interface


                Step 3


                Step 4


                Now ORACLE RAC Installed and You are able to Install oracle Binaries and RAC Enable database.

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